switchmng.schema package


switchmng.schema.base module

switchmng.schema.base_resource module

class switchmng.schema.base_resource.BaseResource(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Represents the base for all REST resources.

This class only provides the skeleton for other resources and cannot be instantiated. Every implementing class should overwrite _Attributes and ResourceIdentifier.

ResourceIdentifier = 'name'

Name of the attribute that is this resource’s identifier

classmethod check_param(key, val)

Check given parameter.

Check if given parameter has the correct type and is a valid attribute for this resource.

These checks get executed when trying to assign a value to a resource attribute but can be called when needing to check parameters before making changes.

  • TypeError – When type of given parameter does not match expectation

  • ValueError – When value of given parameter does not match expectation

Return type


classmethod check_params(**kwargs)

Check all given parameter.

Check if given parameters have the correct type and are valid attributes for this resource.

These checks get executed when trying to assign a value to a resource attribute but can be called when needing to check multiple parameters at once in order to prevent inconistent states.

  • TypeError – When type of given parameter does not match expectation

  • ValueError – When value of given parameter does not match expectation

Return type



Represent this resource as a json-ready dict.

That is a dict which completely consists of json-compatible structures like:

  • dict

  • list

  • string

  • int

  • bool

  • None / null

Return type

Dict[str, Union[str, int, None, Dict[str, Any], List[Any], Dict[str, Union[str, int, None, Dict[str, Any], List[Any]]], List[Union[str, int, None, Dict[str, Any], List[Any]]]]]

switchmng.schema.connector module

class switchmng.schema.connector.Connector(**kwargs)

Bases: switchmng.schema.base_resource.BaseResource, sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.Base

Represents a physical port connector.

This resource is uniquely identified by its name.


name (str) – Name uniquely identifying this port connector

ResourceIdentifier = 'name'

Name of the attribute that is this resource’s identifier

switchmng.schema.network_protocol module

class switchmng.schema.network_protocol.NetworkProtocol(**kwargs)

Bases: switchmng.schema.base_resource.BaseResource, sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.Base

Represents a network protocol resource.

This resource is uniquely identified by its name.

  • name (str) – Name uniquely identifying this network protocol

  • speed (int) – Maximum possible speed of this network protocol in Mb/s

ResourceIdentifier = 'name'

Name of the attribute that is this resource’s identifier

switchmng.schema.port module

class switchmng.schema.port.Port(**kwargs)

Bases: switchmng.schema.base_resource.BaseResource, sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.Base

Represents a port of a switch.

That is a concrete port of a concrete switch. This resource is uniquely identified by the switch (See Switch) containing it in combination with its name.

  • name (str) – The identifier of this port. Must be unique for the containing Switch.

  • vlans (list) – A list of vlans that are active on this port

  • target (str) – Host that is connected to this port

ResourceIdentifier = 'name'

Name of the attribute that is this resource’s identifier

switchmng.schema.port_model module

class switchmng.schema.port_model.PortModel(**kwargs)

Bases: switchmng.schema.base_resource.BaseResource, sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.Base

Represents a port model resource.

This resource is uniquely identified by the switch model (See SwitchModel) containing it in combination with its name.

  • name (str) – The identifier of this port. Must be unique for the containing SwitchModel.

  • network_protocols (list) – List of possible network protocols of this port

  • connector (Connector) – Physical connector of this port

ResourceIdentifier = 'name'

Name of the attribute that is this resource’s identifier

switchmng.schema.switch module

class switchmng.schema.switch.Switch(**kwargs)

Bases: switchmng.schema.base_resource.BaseResource, sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.Base

Represents a switch resource.

This resource is uniquely identified by its name.

  • name (str) – Name uniquely identifying this switch

  • model (SwitchModel) – Model of this switch

  • ports (list) – Ports associated with this switch

  • location (int) – Location of this switch in server rack

  • ip (str) – IP Address of this switch

ResourceIdentifier = 'name'

Name of the attribute that is this resource’s identifier


Return port of this switch identified by resource identifier

Returns the port for the given resource identifier or None if this switch does not contain a matching port.


resource_id (str) – The resource id of the port to return object of

Return type



The Port object identified by given resource id


Synchronize ports from switch model.

All ports that have a name that does not exist in switch model will get removed. All ports from switch model that do not exist in this object will be added.

Return type


switchmng.schema.switch_model module

class switchmng.schema.switch_model.SwitchModel(**kwargs)

Bases: switchmng.schema.base_resource.BaseResource, sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.Base

Represents a switch model resource.

This resource is uniquely identified by its name.

  • name (str) – Name uniquely identifying this switch model Acts as resource identifier.

  • ports (list) – Ports associated with this switch model

  • size (int) – Size (number of rack units) this switch takes up in server rack

ResourceIdentifier = 'name'

Name of the attribute that is this resource’s identifier


Return port of this switch model identified by resource identifier.

Returns the port for the given resource identifier or None if this switch model does not contain a matching port.


resource_id (str) – The resource id of the port to return object of

Return type



The PortModel object identified by given resource id


Refresh ports of all switches using this switch model.

Return type


switchmng.schema.vlan module

class switchmng.schema.vlan.Vlan(**kwargs)

Bases: switchmng.schema.base_resource.BaseResource, sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.Base

Represents a VLAN resource.

This resource is uniquely identified by its vlan tag.

  • tag (int) – Tag uniquely identifying this VLAN

  • description (str) – Description of this VLAN

ResourceIdentifier = 'tag'

Module contents